Flower Library Board

The mission of the Flower Memorial Library is to act as a center for reading, culture and the attainment of information for the residents of the City of Watertown and surrounding communities. It is committed to preserving and extending its role as a premier historic and community asset. The Library Board determines the Library services to be offered, appoints a Library Director, and seeks funds through the Council's budget process for the Library's operations. The Library has standing committees that consist of Executive/Personnel, Marketing, Policy, Buildings and Grounds and Finance/Investment. 

Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m. in the Library.

Term of Members:  11-year term appointed by the Mayor with Council Endorsement

Name of MemberTerm Expires
Paul J. DiFabion12/31/2033
Heather Tarzia12/31/2034
Katherine Wright12/31/2035
Frances A. Calarco12/31/2025
Scott Slater12/31/2026
Carolyn D. Weldon12/31/2027
Kelly Burdick12/31/2028
Stephen Bolton12/31/2029
Cheryl A. Evans12/31/2030
Maria Mesires12/31/2031
Fran Seymour12/31/2032

Flower Memorial Library Board Links:

Sarah V.C. Pierce, Mayor
City Hall
245 Washington Street
Watertown, NY  13601
Email: watlib@ncls.org