Please call the Water department business office at (315)785-7757 to find out what billing district your property is in.
Call the Water Department immediately to report any change in water pressure, any discoloration, or any unusual occurrence of water in the street or yard.
Weekdays call the business office at (315)785-7757.
At night or on weekends call the water plant operator at (315)785-7845.
Answers to, and further information about these and other similar questions can be obtained by calling the business office at (315)785-7757 weekdays.
You will receive a water bill as long as the meter is in the house and the service is active. There is a minimum charge based on meter size. The only way to avoid a bill is to have the meter removed and the service temporarily terminated.
The property owner is ultimately responsible for the water bill. The account must be in the name of the owner. By agreement with the County, DSS tenants’ names may be shown on a bill, but the bill must still be in the owner’s name and it will still be sent to the owner.
A “unit” is 100 cubic feet, or 748 gallons of water.
Please contact the Water Dept. at (315)785-7757.
Residential water bills are issued quarterly (every three months) on the first of the month and commercial and industrial bills are issued monthly on the first of the month.
Bills are due on the 20th of the month in which they are issued. Charges for both water service and sewer service are normally included in a single bill.
Questions about your bill should be directed to the business office at (315)785-7757 weekdays, as soon as possible after receiving your bill.